Indoor Air Quality and Gas Appliances
Indoor Air Quality and Gas Appliances We deal with issues all the time related to poor indoor air quality so today I thought we’d explore indoor air quality and gas appliances as it’s been in the news lately. We also believe that the air we breath should be free of mold, asbestos or other chemicals…
When Landlords won’t fix asthma triggers like mold doctors call in the lawyers
When Landlords won’t fix asthma triggers like mold doctors call in the lawyers. Mold, pests and rodents in the home can lead to life-threatening asthma attacks in kids. Increasingly, doctors see this as a medical issue that requires legal intervention. In the kitchen of her rental home in northwest Washington, D.C., Shelly, a…
Renter sought compensation for mold but tenancy dispute board stuck her with the bill
Always keep an eye out for possible mold issues Today’s post highlights just how important it is to insure that you always be vigilant when you spot something that may look like mold because recently a renter sought compensation for mold but a tenancy dispute board stuck her with the bill. It’s a hard thing…
Kids and lead poisoning
Kids and possible lead poisoning What should you know about your kids and possible lead poisoning. How common is it? Is it really a concern? In short, the answer is a definitive yes, you should be concerned if lead may be present in or outside of your home and you have kids. What is…
Mold has closed a school in Ontario
Mold has closed a School in Ontario As we had previously discussed, , mold continues to be a problem in our schools. Today, the Province of Ontario has announced that a school, (St. Mary’s school in Collingwood), has been affected and that the presence of mold has closed a school in Ontario. Start date…
Why go through the expense and effort to remove lead from your home?
Why go through the expense and effort to remove lead from your home? Why go through the expense and effort to remove lead from your home? Because no safe blood level has been identified for young children, all sources of lead exposure for children should be controlled or eliminated. EPA and Health Canada have set…
Rental Properties are more likely to be moldy than other homes.
Rental Properties are more likely to be moldy than other Homes Rental properties are more likely to be moldy than other homes. This is a concern as excessive mold growth is known to harm human health likely be moldy Once buildings are infested with mold, the difficult and costly issue of remediation arises,…ng-in-your-condo/ …
The Danger of having Lead Paint in your Home
The Danger of having Lead Paint in your Home The danger of having lead paint in your home is a significant concern…and todays New York Times article, continues to drive home the importance of having it removed from your living environment. The articles stresses the Environmental Protection Agency’s concern over unsafe levels of lead…
Why is there mold in my apartment air vents?
Why is there mold in my apartment air vents? For many who live in apartments mold can be a frustrating thing to deal with. First of all, it is usually in areas that people cannot reach to clean, (within air ducts with vent covers that run from room to room for instance). Or, within the…
Can I get a fungal infection from mold?
Can I get a fungal infection from mold? In short, yes you can. Aspergillosis is an infection caused by a type of mold (fungus). The illnesses resulting from aspergillosis infection usually affect the respiratory system, but their signs and severity vary greatly. The mold that triggers the illnesses, aspergillus, is everywhere — indoors and outdoors.…