Snow mold is affecting allergy sufferers
Snow mold and allergies Snow mold is out there now and snow mold is affecting allergy sufferers more than ever. What is it? Snow mold is a condition that appears typically in a winter where you get a heavy snowfall before the ground is fully frozen, like what happened to us here in Southern Ontario…
Black Mold and Covid-19
Black Mold and Covid-19 As reported by Pfizer Pharmaceuticals, the coronavirus has recently linked Black Mold and Covid-19… two serious fungal / mold infections have been found the Aspergillis species has been identified as one of the main culprits. COVID-19 associated pulmonary aspergillosis and COVID-19 associated mucormycosis have been detected in the field during testing. The…
The complex relationship between COVID-19 and Mold
More information continues to come to light about the complex relationship between COVID-19 and Mold. COVID-19 patients could be more susceptible to mold and fungal infections, according to researchers from Imperial College London. The researchers say that there has been reported evidence that patients with COVID-19 may be more at risk of lung infections caused…
Winner of the Homestars Best of 2021 – Mold and Asbestos Removal!
Winner of the Homestars Best of 2021 – Mold and Asbestos Removal! March 15, 2021 Maple Leaf Mold Inc. announced today that they have been selected as the Winner of the Homestars Best of 2021 – Mold and Asbestos Removal. This prestigious award recognizes the best across the HomeStars network of over 60,000 Canadian home service…
Did you make the mistake of not having a home inspected for mold?
Did you make the mistake of not having a home inspected for mold? In today’s fast paced real estate market people sometimes make the mistake of not having a home inspected for mold. Did you make the mistake of not having a home inspected for mold? Deals happen so fast and people sometimes cut corners…
Climate change is happening faster than you think…
Climate change is happening faster than you think… Climate change is happening faster than you think…and how these accelerating forces and global shifts will affect you and your family now and in the future is of importance. Our climate is being disrupted by a number of factors, and climate change is happening now.…
What are you breathing in your condo?
What are you breathing in your condo? Prior to early February most Canadians were spending about 85% to 90% of their time indoors. Post Covid 19, the numbers are now approaching closer to 95% – 96%. The question that just should be concerning, particularly if you live in the downtown core, is what are you breathing…
Mold and Moisture, what is the relationship?
Mold and Moisture We are asked all the time, mold and moisture, what is the relationship? Is one possible without the other? Well, for starters, one is impossible without the other. That is, without moisture, mold will not initiate nor will it grow in the presence of warmth. So, controlling moisture is the key… …
What should I do if I rent and find mold?
What should I do if I rent and find mold? We receive calls on a regular basis from people who rent an apartment or home that will have mold. So what should I do if I rent and find mold? The size of the contaminated area matters The size of the contaminated area determines your…
Accidental poisoning can occur when using common household cleaners
Disinfection – accidental poisoning can occur when using common household cleaners It is important that you are aware that accidental poisoning can occur when using common household cleaners that contain chlorine. Recently, as Canadians continue to hunker down, practice social distancing and disinfect their homes regularly against the Covid-19, many have been following Health Canada…