Home inspectors are not mold inspectors
Home inspectors are not mold inspectors If you are considering buying a home in the near future one of the things you should consider is having a home inspector and a mold inspector review the prospective home. Home inspectors are not trained mold inspectors and could miss a pre-existing mold condition which could impact you…
Maple Leaf Mold has been designated as an essential service
Our designation as an essential service has been confirmed Our designation as an essential business has been confirmed. Maple Leaf Services Inc, and its sister company, Maple Leaf Mold has been designated as an essential service by the Province of Ontario during this emergency province wide shutdown, (see Item 13); https://s3.amazonaws.com/files.news.ontario.ca/opo/en/2020/03/list-of-essential-workplaces-2.html Province wide non-essential services…
Coronavirus disinfection programs
Maple Leaf Environmental Announces Coronavirus Cleaning, Remediation and Disinfection programs for Homes and Businesses Published: Mar 14, 2020 TORONTO, March 14, 2020 /PRNewswire In response to the outbreak of the COVID-19 Coronavirus, Maple Leaf Environmental Consulting Inc,, (and their sister company Maple Leaf Mold Inc), a leading provider of viral, mold and bacterial disinfection and biohazard remediation,…
Free Inspections?
Free Inspections? Nothing is ever free! It’s true…free inspections? Nothing is ever free as my parents always said. It is clear that there are significant health risks when people are exposed to mold in a home, at school or at work. Now, it is becoming even more important that when you find mold you remove…
Remove mold to help prevent contracting Coronavirus Covid-19 infection
Remove mold to help prevent contracting Coronavirus Covid-19 infection It is clear that there are significant health risks when people are exposed to mold in a home, at school or at work. Now, it is becoming even more important that when you find mold you remove it, right away. It is now clear…remove mold to…
Connection between the Coronavirus and Mold
Is there a connection between the Coronavirus and Mold As we ready ourselves for impending arrival of the Coronavirus virus here in North America it would be wise to understand not just the implications of the virus itself but if the virus may be exacerbated in some way through the presence of mold. The question…
Mold growing on new homes under construction
Mold growing on new homes under construction During my travels I am constantly dismayed at the number of instances where I see mold growing on new homes under construction. As a professional in the industry I get to visit many existing and newer homes because the owner has called me into take a look at…
Ever wonder what’s behind those nice one day bathtub refits?
Ever wonder what’s behind those nice one day bathtub refits? As both a certified mold inspector and a certified home inspector I am always amazed at the level of quality and range of finishes I see when looking a retrofitted bathroom, particularly those one or two day bathtub retrofit services, (you know, the ones with…
Can’t sleep? It may be mold related.
Can’t sleep? It may be mold related. As research continues into the impacts of mold in our daily lives we are starting to understand a number of things about mold and its impacts on our health that we weren’t aware of even ten years ago. One of the new lines of research into mold, its…
Beware, this time of year is ripe for insulation contractor scams!
Beware, this time of year is ripe for insulation contractor scams! It’s around this point in the year that many residential owners find cold spots, frost on second floor ceilings just under the attic space, cold walls and drafty rooms. Many people open their attic hatch only to find low levels of insulation or, in…