Water Damage and Mold Growth
Water Damage and Mold Growth Today I thought we’d talk about what you should be doing if you find yourself in a position where you have a leak in your home or perhaps you’ve had an accident where a bathtub may have overflowed or a toilet has spilled over when something has plugged it up.…
Air Testing vs a Mold Inspection
Air Testing vs Mold Inspection vs Both Since we offer both air and mold testing we’ve been asked recently by our customers about whether or not they should they get an air test or a mold inspection or perhaps they should get both done at the same time. Our answer depends on what the situation…
How to beat toxic mold
How to beat toxic mold at home and in your life in ten easy steps We’ve been documenting, over the last number of months, a number of ways that mold can adversely affect your health. It can affect your physically and neurologically (we have a very good resource that outlines various medical reports and papers…
Black Mold – The Movie
Routine Misdiagnosis The vast majority of people suffering from chronic respiratory infections are not aware that their problem is related to mold exposure. And unfortunately, their physicians are also unaware, making appropriate treatment impossible. All molds have the potential to cause ill health, depending on their type, whether or not they produce toxins, how long…
Attic Mold
Attic Mold Almost every day we get a phone call from a homeowner who has an almost baffled tone in their voice, telling me that during the sale of their home an inspector flagged their attic space or basement for a “mold like substance.” Usually the homeowner expresses the fact that they have lived in…
Insurers are becoming concerned about mold claims
Warmer, wetter weather contributing to more mold claims There has been a noticeable uptick in the amount of mold claims made by homeowners against insurance companies in Canada and in the United States. So much so that Insurance companies are becoming concerned that the claims amount of claims could overwhelm them and adversely affect their…
Should I remove mold myself?
What do we get asked the most? There are two questions that stand out among all the rest that we’ve received over the years and it’s about whether or not can I clean up the mold I see in my home and / or should I hire someone to do this for me. We understand…
Mold Statistics
Mold Studies and Medical Reports We’ve attempted to centrally locate a number of studies and reports from the most respected universities, colleges and researchers across the world. We have not gone into depth in a number sub-genres, (including detailed pathogen / fungi characteristics documentation and indoor/outdoor air quality-related papers), however have provided a good cross-section…
Shady Mold Company Methods
Our Hall of Shame Awards As we move forward into the New Year it’s good to know that the general public is becoming much more aware of the significant dangers of mold exposure. In order to meet this new demand we, as an industry, are also noting a significant increase in the number of companies…
Mold Colours and what they mean
Mold colour and how to determine the danger level when exposed When defining or assigning a danger level to a mold growth in your home we typically refer to what we sample in the air as opposed to a colour. A colour can be a misleading indicator when defining a particular type of species, However,…